A Full Day Of Ski Touring

Spend a full day ski touring for turns after a helicopter drop-off early in the morning at a spectacular and remote highpoint in the mountains. Forget about the three to five hour uphill approaches — we leave the climbing skins in the pack at the start of this tour because soon after departing the heli-barn, we're taking a run! Following your guide, you and your group will tour to your heart's desire while covering backcountry travel skills. If pounding out the vertical is what you want, then have at it! Or perhaps an adventurous tour among the peaks is more your cup of tea. We can customize the day to fit your dreams and desires.

$900 per guest with a required deposit of full payment. Pricing does not include Washington State sales tax of 8.4%.

North Cascade Heli
  • Arrive at the Heli Barn by 8 AM
  • Check in with the office
  • Indoor safety briefing
  • Weigh-in
  • Outside avalanche transceiver orientation and search practice
  • Helicopter procedures briefing
  • Sign the Release of Liability & Assumption of Risk (mandatory before flying)
  • Get your heli-ready lunch
  • Launch to the field
  • Return to the Heli Barn in the afternoon
North Cascade Heli
Gear & Equipment

We strongly recommend that you bring a modern ski touring setup. If you have questions about your current gear, give us a call and we can make some recommendations. If you know your current gear is dated, the Goat’s Beard Mountain Supplies in Mazama rents high quality touring gear, including split boards.

Space and weight limitations in the helicopter require that you pack efficiently and minimize the amount of extra gear that you bring with you. We recommend your daypack be (~30L) that is packed with all your ski touring gear (skins, goggles, extra layers, etc.) Fully loaded for the trip this pack should weigh no more than 20 lbs.

Learn More

North Cascade Heli
Helpful Links

Use these links to help you plan the perfect trip with us! If you have any questions you can always call us at 1-800-494-HELI or use our online contact form to send us a message.